No BuTTs News, Media & Blog section is normally devoted to issues that are specifically related to cigarette butt litter reduction, but sometimes, when we discover things that are truly inspiring, we want to help spread the word - and the Liberty Swing is a perfect example.
More council run playgrounds everyday are going Smoke-Free the right way by installing Eco-Pole Wall & Post Mounted Ashtrays. Every week No BuTTs installation staff are installing Eco-Pole Wall & Post-mounted Ashtrays at council and shire playgrounds and we're increasingly seeing Liberty Swings at the same locations.
The Liberty Swing is a wonderful concept that gives children with disabilities who are confined to wheelchairs the ability to enjoy one of childhood's greatest joys - the act of swinging.
Invented and developed in Australia, the Liberty Swing allows wheelchairs to be easily rolled into and securely attached to the unit - thus allowing children in wheelchairs to experience the joy and exhilaration of swinging in the air.
Remember what is was like when you were a child, and went for a swing. There was nothing like it!
"My staff had told me about Liberty Swings but I'd never seen one." said Jack Jacobson, No BuTTs Managing Director. "But while we were recently exhibiting at the ALGA 2010 Conference in Canberra, we discovered that Liberty Swing was also displaying their ingenious product - and I was blown away when I saw it for the first time - and was able to fully appreciate the revolutionary, inclusive and liberating design of their product."
"When I was a little boy growing up in North Balwyn in Melbourne's eastern suburbs there was another kid in the next street that I was friends with. He had Spina Bifida and was confined to a wheelchair."
"His parents made sure that he was able to participate in almost all of the activites our parents provided like picnics and parties - but one thing he was never able to do was enjoy a ride on the swing in our local playground."
"He had no choice but to sit there and watch as the rest of us played on the swings and slides. He was our friend and we always included him in all our activities but going for a ride on a swing was out of the question - but now it isn't."
"When I first saw the Liberty Swing I was almost in tears as I remembered our friend, and what he missed out on when we all played in the park." said Jack.
"The Liberty Swing is a beautiful concept because it fosters inclusiveness - and allows every child to revel in the joy of swinging in the air."
The Liberty Swing is easy to use, meets all standards and safety requirements, is manufactured to stand up to rigours of an outdoor children’s playground and is supplied with a secure locking device for when the unit is not in use. It has been successfully installed in parks and playgrounds worldwide and provides joy and exhilaration to thousands of children every day.
"Liberty Swing was originally created for recreational use, but we've since discovered that it also has enormous therapeutic benefits for anyone who can't get out of a wheelchair - and this includes adults as well as children." said Diane James of Liberty Swing. "We've received many emails from Occupational Therapists and Physios telling us that the Liberty Swing fosters things like muscle control, head control and upper body strength."
"They can actually swing themselves if they have some upper body mobility, but otherwise the Carer just stands to the side and pushes the Liberty Swing just like they would any other swing."
“The kids at Matthew's school adore the Liberty swing there. It gets used so much of the day. The children in wheelchairs of course, but also children with sight problems (who seem to have missed out on swings before) and children that might otherwise miss out on a swing because of coordination or behaviour circumstances get to sit on their teachers' laps and have a swing. (The teachers love this too)." said Carolyn Paisley-Dew of the ACT.
“On Saturday and Sunday just gone, my daughter spent a total of 9 hours swinging on the Liberty Swing at Albert Park. I would just like to thank you for giving her the opportunity to experience the joy of swinging." said Dolores Scully of Frankston, Victoria. "Her face was a picture and she drew so much attention from passers by with her squeals of delight. Needless to say, she didn’t want to go home and I wonder if you could tell me the best way to get a swing for the Frankston area…"
"The Liberty Swing is a beautiful way to give disabled kids the ability to participate in playground activities like the simple and joyous act of going for a swing" said No BuTTs MD, Jack. "Every child should be able to enjoy the joyful act of going for a ride on a swing and that's why every council on the planet should provide at least one Liberty Swing within their electorate."
"Now every child has the ability to fly through the air and revel in the "Higher! Higher! HIGHER!" feeling - and every kid can have a turn."
For more information visit