INFORMATION eliminate employee butt litter with Personal Ashtrays from No BuTTs.

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Personal Ashtrays from No BuTTs are now being distributed to staff at Gardeners -  the largest gardening supplier in the American State of Vermont.

Gardeners Logo
Gardener’s Supply has been promoting earth-friendly gardening and environmentally-responsible living since 1983. They are a leading source for products that help people recycle waste into compost, build better soil, control pests organically, conserve water, protect biodiversity and grow their own food.

When sourcing the products, Gardeners consider a range of environmental factors and favor the use of recycled or renewable materials.

Gardeners 2Vicky Broe of Gardeners said that they are implementing a "Smoke Free Workplace" and as a result are providing No BuTTs Personal Ashtrays to their staff so that "they can do the right thing with their butts wherever they go for a smoke."

Gardener’s Supply, and in particular the company’s founder Will Raap, are actively involved in land restoration initiatives that are working to protect and restore the Earth’s forests, farms, wetlands and rangelands. These activities include The Intervale Center in Vermont, a watershed restoration project in Costa Rica called Greening Paraiso and other local, national and international initiatives.





  By No and [11th January 2010]


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