Stonefest Music Festival rocks with No BuTTs Personal Ashtrays & Butt Bins this weekend |
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Stonefest, one of Australia's most respected music festivals will be distributing free No BuTTs Pocket Ashtrays and Butt Bins to all attendees at their event this Saturday.
What began as a humble college get together is now something of a national icon. 42 years on, University of Canberra’s Stonefest is one of the longest running music festivals in the country, and shows no signs of slowing down.
Over the years Stonefest has hosted international legends and been the launching pad for some of Australian music’s most illustrious careers. While others have burned out or faded away, Stonefest remains as strong as ever. In 2010, Stonefest is charging forward in this same spirit of reinvention.
As the Stonefest Webite says, Help keep Stonefest green: use the bins available on site; return your recyclable drink containers to the bar and receive cash back; and only smoke in the designated smoking areas while making use of the FREE Stonefest personal ashtrays.
No BuTTs supports Australian music and a Butt Free Planet and is proud to be the official supplier to Stonefest for their logo printed Pocket Ashtrays and Butt Bins.
Dan Cusack, Music Operations & Project Officer for UC-LIve, confirmed their order for 1,000 logo printed Personal Butt Bins to be distributed to smokers in Designated Smoking Zones.
"We wish our attendees didn't smoke but it would be ridiculous to ignore the reality that many of them do. So we've created Designated Smoking Zones around the Stonefest site and are providing free Pocket Ashtrays & Butt Bins so that smokers can do the right thing with their butts, not only at Stonefest, but wherever their travels take them after that."
"Stonefest is one of Australia's music festival icons and they are behaving responsibly by helping their smoking attendees to be responsible with their cigarette butts. Virtually all music festivals push their high environmental endeavours so it always amazes us when some of them simply try to ignore the issue of the cigarette butt litter created at their own events." said No BuTTs Managing Director, Jack Jacobson.
"It's good to see that these butt litter deniers - or ostriches as we call them are now a conspicuous minority. No BuTTs now assists over 1,000 Music Festivals and events around the world to reduce and often eliminate cigarette butt litter at their locations. Stonefest exemplifies bona fide environmental responsibility, from recycling all the way down to cigarette butt litter reduction and they should be commended for doing so."
"The benefits of providing Pocket Ashtrays / Butt Bins are not only short term as in at the events, but can literally change smokers littering habits forever because the attendees get to take them away with them when the show is over and can continue to be responsible with their butts, where ever they go from that point on."
"That's great for the environment and it's also very beneficial to those organisations that understand the eco-friendly promotional aspects of our Butt Bins & Personal Ashtrays, which will continue to protect our environment, and be seen, used and appreciated many times a day, long after they've been received."
"Increasingly our clients are also choosing to include quit smoking messages on their Butt Bin Ashtrays. The message is "You can quit littering this instant, but it would be even better for all involved if you actually quit smoking."
Over 1,000 Music Festivals, Events, Celebrations, Jubilees, Mardi Gras, Carnivals and Galas around the world are now using No BuTTs Pocket/Personal Ashtrays & Butt Bins to eliminate cigarette butt litter at their locations.
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