Wellington Aboriginal Corporation Health Services is tackling Indigenous smoking and cigarette butt litter with No BuTTs Branded Personal Ashtrays

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Wellington Aboriginal Corporation Health Services logo
Wellington Aboriginal Corporation Health Services is incorporating the distribution of No BuTTs award winning Branded Personal Ashtrays as part of the Tackling Indigenous Smoking Program.

Wellington Aboriginal Corporation Health Services (WACHS) is remote rural community on the land of the Wiradjuri people located in Wellington, 50 km from the City of Dubbo, approx. 380 kms north west of Sydney, Australia. 

WACHS is an Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation which strives to provide holistic health care to enhance the health and emotional well-being of the Aboriginal and non Aboriginal community of Wellington and surrounding districts.

 Tackling Indigenous Smoking with No BuTTs
Tackling Indigenous Smoking (TIS) Program is a promotion based program funded by the Department of Health as part of the Closing The Gap initiative.

The main focus of the TIS Program is to promote Healthy Lifestyle choices for Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander people in order to assist with Stamping Out Chronic Disease in our communities.

"Our priority is to promote quitting smoking within our community" said a WACHS spokesperson. 

"But protecting our land from the associated problems of cigarette butt litter both from the short term fire risk from littered butts and also the long term toxicity of littered butts was also a priority and No BuTTs Personal Ashtrays are the perfect solution."

WACHS is promoting quitting and land care with No BuTTs Branded Personal Ashtrays
"By their very existence WACHS Branded Personal Ashtrays help promote environmental responsibility but they also have a Quit Smoking message on them which will be seen every time the Personal Ashtray is used." said No BuTTs Jack Jacobson.

"Although our quit smoking programs do work, it can be very hard to quit smoking because it's an addiction - but it's very simple to quit littering immediately." said WACHS.

No BuTTs award winning Branded Personal Ashtrays give smokers to ability to safely, easily and responsibly dispose of their cigarette butts wherever smokers smoke.  This is even more important as more locations every day go Smoke-Free and prohibit smoking on their premises.

"Waving a magic wand and telling people they can't smoke doesn't mean they won't smoke - and everybody knows it." said Jack.

"Smokers will simply go somewhere else to light up, and that's why Personal Ashtrays are critical.  Personal Ashtrays give smokers the ability to safely, easily and responsibly dispose of their cigarette butts wherever and whenever they smoke.  It's as simple as that."

Wellington Aboriginal Corporation Health Services Quit B Fit Program
"In fact most locations that have gone Smoke-Free without factoring this reality in or choosing to ignore it usually report a significant increase in cigarette butt litter outside their premises and in surrounding areas."

"It's simply unacceptable for any organisation to just export their smokers and the resulting cigarette butt litter to 'somewhere else', where ever that is."

Wellington Aboriginal Corporation Health Services, like many indigenous health service providers are leading the way when it comes to promoting a serious health initiative whilst maintaining best practice environmental responsibility.

The message is simple:  Protect your health and Quit Smoking.  And if you're not ready to quit smoking just yet, well at least quit littering your butts and help protect our land.

For an information and samples package on how to incorporate No BuTTs Branded Personal Ashtrays with your Tackling Indigenous Smoking program email  or call 0457 833 499.

  By No BuTTs & Wellington Aboriginal Corporation Health Services [18th August 2016]


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