Local Government
Local Government:
The enourmous growth in the popularity of Al Fresco dining coupled with the proliferation of indoor and hospitality smoking bans has seen the amount of cigarette butt litter outside cafes, restaurants and bars etc increase significantly over the last decade. No BuTTs now supplies over 500 Local Govt Depts across the planet with our award winning Windproof Ashtrays.
That's because Local Government can (and should) easily take the lead role when it comes to effectively controlling the problem of cigarette butt litter emanating from footpath, curbside and outdoor tables. Our stainless steel Windproof Ashtrays feature a gravity operated mechanism that drops butts and other litter, (e.g. sugar wrappers, matches etc) into an enclosed chamber where they are safe from gusts of wind and spillage.
A growing number of Councils, Shires, Counties and Cities are also requiring wind-proof ashtrays as a prerequisite to gaining or retaining curb-side trading permits which encourages businesses in the shire to actively participate in reducing the problem of cigarette butt litter caused by their own customers. By capitalizing on its leadership role in this area, Council’s sponsoring of wind-proof ashtrays will noticeably reduce litter levels.
As an added bonus No BuTTs Windproof Ashtrays:
- Are an extremely visible way to publicize the problem and teach traders the right way to prevent their customers and patrons butt litter (as opposed to sweeping them into the gutter...)
- Are an excellent way to advertise your department's progressive environmental standards and determination to provide a solution.
- Create a very positive perception of your department when distributed to local traders - especially when logo or message printed
Only No BuTTs Windproof Ashtrays are:
- Made to withstand heavy hospitality use
- The most robust and well built Windproof Ashtray available anywhere
- 100% marine-grade stainless steel
- 100% rust and corrosion resistant
- Washable - even with logo printing
- Supplied with FREE disposable foil inserts - that makes emptying our Windproof Ashtrays even easier
Only No BuTTs Windproof Ashtrays have:
- Reinforced flaps and hinges
- A gravity operated mechanism - with no fragile spring to seize up and stop spinning
- A snug sealing lid that eliminates smouldering butts
- Proven their value in over 200 Local Govt campaigns - from some of the smallest shires to some of our largest cities
Over 200 Australian Councils and Shires promote their environmental endeavours by distributing No BuTTs Windproof Ashtrays to their local hospitality traders - which also assists in educating them about reducing cigarette butt litter at footpath and outdoor tables.
Our clients include:

No BuTTs ...because the world is not an Ashtray!